Hannah’s Bookshelf

On Saturday, 9 September 2017, you can catch me chatting with Hannah on North Manchester FM. We’ll be talking about fiction, history and research, books in general, and even musicology. And I’ll be telling her which three books I’ll save when the apocalypse comes. There’ll also be music, so you don’t get bored.

Here you can listen to previous shows on Hannah’s Bookshelf, and see what’s coming up.

Fiction Fix in Peterborough

I’ll be reading at Fiction Fix in Peterborough on 1 October 2017, right after this year’s FantasyCon (where I will also be attending. More info to follow).

The event will take place at the Draper’s Arms. I’ll post more information nearer the time. Do come by, if you’re free. There’ll be beer. And fiction. Can’t get better than that!